Smidge teardrop campers fire

Our model range of tiny hassle free campers is growing. Since the launch of Smidge Teardrop Campers our great range of teardrop campers has been ever so popular and we have decided (due to increaded customer feedback) to design and develop a range of Squardrop campers to add to our range. A ‘Squaredrop’ or ‘Box Camper’ has a similar layout and features of a traditional teardrop however as the name suggests the overall shape is different.

Developed for the more intrepid and adventurous camper, Smidge Squaredrop Campers are being built not only to take you away from the urban areas and off the beaten track but to safely and easily get you home again too.

What you will find with our new Squaredrop campers are standard features like:

  • Off road suspension and increaded ground clearance for higher wading depth on creek crossings

  • Full queen sized bed - Noone wants to comprimise a good nights sleep!

  • Options for increased power and water - travel further and stay longer

  • Re-engineerd galvinised chassis design

  • Welded alluminium frame in walls and roof, fully insulated, fibreglass compostite consruction

In the meantime please be patient as our website and model range continues to build and grow. If you have any questions or please dont hesitate to contact us below.

Thank you, The team @ Smidge.


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